Welcome to the Hubblecast! Hubblecast features news and Images from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
The Hubblecasts are offered for download in several formats: standard (.mov, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v), HD (High Definition) and Full HD.Who is Dr. J?
Dr. J is the young enthusiastic host of the Hubblecast. He is a German astronomer at the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO). His scientific interests are in cosmology, particularly on galaxy evolution and quasars. Dr. J's real name is Joe Liske and he has a PhD in astronomy.
The Hubblecast’s host, Dr J (aka Dr Joe Liske)
The Hubblecast vodcast series is hosted by Dr J (aka Dr Joe Liske), an astronomer from the European Southern Observatory in Germany. The Hubblecast has been Highly Commended in the 2011 MEDEA awards, a competition that recognises achievement in the use of media in education.
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The Hubblecast is also avalilable on:
Hubblecast 51: Star-forming region S 106 | Hubblecast 50: Q&A with Dr J | Hubblecast 49: Supersonic jets from newborn stars | |
Hubblecast 48: Deep Observations of the Andromeda Galaxy | Hubblecast 47: Pandora's Cluster | Hubblecast 46: A tour of Centaurus A | |
Hubblecast 45: Building a treasure trove of observations | Hubblecast 44: Hubble spies on the Tarantula Nebula | Hubblecast 43: Hubble and Black Holes | |
Hubblecast 42: Hubble's Greatest Hits | Hubblecast 41: Hubble's History Told by Hubble's Scientists | Hubblecast 40: Wide Field Camera 3 - Hubble's New Miracle Camera | |
Hubblecast 39: The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) | Hubblecast 38: Hubble in popular culture | Hubblecast 37: Bubbles and baby stars | |
Hubblecast 36: Gifts from the sky: honouring 20 years of Hubble | Hubblecast 35: The stuff of legend | Hubblecast 34: Hubble snaps heavyweight of the Leo Triplet | |
Hubblecast 33: Saturn's stunning double show | Hubblecast 32: Born in Beauty: Proplyds in the Orion Nebula | Hubblecast 31: Sky merger yields sparkling dividends | |
Hubblecast 30: Rebirth of an icon | Hubblecast 29: Mission Accomplished: Healing Hubble | Hubblecast 28: The fifth and final Hubble servicing mission | |
Hubblecast 27: What has Hubble taught us about the planets? | Hubblecast 26: Exceptionally deep view of strange galaxy | Hubblecast 25 Special: What's Next? | |
Hubblecast 24 Special: Beyond Earth | Hubblecast 23 Special: Seeing the invisible | Hubblecast 22: Hubble directly observes planet orbiting Fomalhaut | |
Hubblecast 21 Special: From silver to silicon | Hubblecast 20 Special: Technology to the rescue | Hubblecast 19 Special: Bigger is better | |
Hubblecast 18: Hubble sees magnetic monster in erupting galaxy | Hubblecast 17 Special: New views of the skies | Hubblecast 16: Galaxies gone wild! | |
Hubblecast 15: Black hole found in enigmatic Omega Centauri | Hubblecast 14: Hubble finds first organic molecule on extrasolar planet | Hubblecast 13: Gargantuan galaxy NGC 1132 - A cosmic fossil | |
Hubblecast 12: Murk on a monster planet | Hubblecast 11: A grand design in a galactic festoon | Hubblecast 10: Making the Universe come to life - behind the Hubble images | |
Hubblecast 09: Extreme star cluster bursts into life! | Hubblecast 08: A step closer to our origin | Hubblecast 07: Uncovering the Veil Nebula | |
Hubblecast 06: A battle of giants - telescopes in space and on the ground | Hubblecast 05: Hubble discovers ring of dark matter | Hubblecast 04: Hubble Finds Multiple Stellar 'Baby Booms' in a Globular Cluster | |
Hubblecast 03: Celebrating Hubble's 17th birthday with violent stellar fireworks | Hubblecast 02: Galaxy bars and supermassive black holes | Hubblecast 01: Hubble sees 'Comet Galaxy' being ripped apart by galaxy cluster | |
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