Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nasa - Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive (1999)

1001Best Wallpapers
Reflections Of Orion

December 31 1999: The Millennium that Defined Earth
December 30 1999: The Century that Defined Galaxy
December 29 1999: The Decade that Defined Star System
December 28 1999: A Year of New Perspectives
December 27 1999: Solar Moss
December 26 1999: West Of The Great Red Spot
December 25 1999: An Earth Ornament
December 24 1999: Hubble Holiday
December 23 1999: Unusual Aurora During Solar Wind Dropout
December 22 1999: Perigee Moon, Apogee Moon
December 21 1999: XMM Launched
December 20 1999: Lava Fountain on Jupiter's Io
December 19 1999: Accretion Disk Binary System
December 18 1999: Irregular Galaxy Sextans A
December 17 1999: Hot Gas In Hydra A
December 16 1999: Supernova Remnant In M82
December 15 1999: A Nova In Aquila
December 14 1999: High Velocity Clouds and the Milky Way
December 13 1999: A Magellanic Starfield
December 12 1999: NGC 4314: A Nuclear Starburst Ring
December 11 1999: A Close Encounter Of The Stellar Kind
December 10 1999: Spot The Planet
December 09 1999: X-ray Hot Supernova Remnant in the SMC
December 08 1999: Moon Struck
December 07 1999: The Cat's Paw Nebula
December 06 1999: M83: The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy from VLT
December 05 1999: Rhea: Saturns Second Largest Moon
December 04 1999: Mars Polar Lander Target Ellipse
December 03 1999: Southern Mars
December 02 1999: 1999 Leonid Fireball
December 01 1999: Landing At The Martian South Pole
November 30 1999: Henize 70: A Superbubble in the LMC
November 29 1999: Arcs and Jets in Herbig Haro 34
November 28 1999: Beneath Venus Clouds
November 27 1999: Runaway Star
November 26 1999: Io Volcano: Pele's Hot Lava
November 25 1999: 3C 295: X-rays From A Giant Galaxy
November 24 1999: A Leonids Meteor Storm in 1999
November 23 1999: Leonids Above Torre de la Guaita
November 22 1999: The Crab Nebula from VLT
November 21 1999: Elliptical Galaxy NGC 4881 in Coma
November 20 1999: Small Star
November 19 1999: Mercury And The Sun
November 18 1999: A Sirius Leonid Meteor
November 17 1999: A Leonid Meteor Explodes
November 16 1999: A RADARSAT Map of Antarctica
November 15 1999: In the Shade of a Historic Planet
November 14 1999: M31: The Andromeda Galaxy
November 13 1999: Tempel Tuttle: The Leonid Comet
November 12 1999: 1998 Leonid Fireball
November 11 1999: Mercury And The Moon
November 10 1999: The Belt of Venus
November 09 1999: Spiral Galaxies in Collision
November 08 1999: Lunation
November 07 1999: The Heart Of NGC 4261
November 06 1999: X-ray Transit of Mercury
November 05 1999: Shadow Of Phobos
November 04 1999: Gamma-Ray Bursting
November 03 1999: M32: Blue Stars in an Elliptical Galaxy
November 02 1999: Aurora Through a Moonlit Sky
November 01 1999: The Rotten Egg Planetary Nebula
October 31 1999: The Cat's Eye Nebula
October 30 1999: Mars Rocks, Sojourner Rolls
October 29 1999: The USNO Millennium Time Ball
October 28 1999: X-Ray Jet From Centaurus A
October 27 1999: In the Heart of the Tarantula Nebula
October 26 1999: 30 Doradus: The Tarantula Nebula
October 25 1999: Neptune in Infrared
October 24 1999: The Magnetic Carpet Of The Sun
October 23 1999: M27: Not A Comet
October 22 1999: Iridium 52: Not A Meteor
October 21 1999: Follow The Spots
October 20 1999: NGC 2261: Hubbles Variable Nebula
October 19 1999: Earth's North Magnetic Pole
October 18 1999: NGC 3603: An Active Star Cluster
October 17 1999: Black Holes in Galactic Centres
October 16 1999: Maria Mitchell Inspires a Generation
October 15 1999: Moon Crashers
October 14 1999: Moon Over Eugenia
October 13 1999: Ozone Hole Reduced
October 12 1999: NGC 2346: A Butterfly Shaped Planetary Nebula
October 11 1999: Eta Carina in X-Rays
October 10 1999: Triton: Neptune's Largest Moon
October 09 1999: The Frothy Milky Way
October 08 1999: NGC 1365: Barred Spiral Galaxy
October 07 1999: The Averted Side Of The Moon
October 06 1999: Polaris: The North Star
October 05 1999: Two Hours Before Neptune
October 04 1999: The 220 Mirrors of CRTF
October 03 1999: Nearby Dwarf Galaxy Leo I
October 02 1999: Phi Persei: Double Star
October 01 1999: New Stars In 30 Doradus
September 30 1999: Massive Stars Of 30 Doradus
September 29 1999: The Crab Nebula in X-Rays
September 28 1999: Mystery Object Explained
September 27 1999: Our Galaxy in Stars, Gas, and Dust
September 26 1999: M83: A Barred Spiral Galaxy
September 25 1999: Twistin' By The Lagoon
September 24 1999: Cometary Globules In Orion
September 23 1999: Equinox and Eruptive Prominence
September 22 1999: Halos Around the Ring Nebula
September 21 1999: The Quintuplet Star Cluster
September 20 1999: Io in True Colour
September 19 1999: Interstellar Dust-Bunnies of NGC 891
September 18 1999: Mercury Astronauts and a Redstone
September 17 1999: M3: Half A Million Stars
September 16 1999: The Incredible Expanding Cat's Eye
September 15 1999: The Big Corona
September 14 1999: The Colourful Orion Nebula
September 13 1999: Supernova Remnant N132D in X-Rays
September 12 1999: Stonehenge: Ancient Monument to the Sun
September 11 1999: The Annotated Galactic Centre
September 10 1999: Cassini Images The Moon
September 09 1999: Comet Hale Bopp Over the Superstition Mountains
September 08 1999: A Superior Conjunction Of Mercury
September 07 1999: Water Found in Space Rock
September 06 1999: HCG 87: A Small Group of Galaxies
September 05 1999: The Universe Evolves
September 04 1999: The Water Vapor Channel
September 03 1999: Venus Falls Out of the Evening Sky
September 02 1999: Eclipse Over The Mountain
September 01 1999: 1999 JM8: A Rock Too Close
August 31 1999: Symbiotic Star Bubbles
August 30 1999: Looking Back on an Eclipsed Earth
August 29 1999: The Witch Head Nebula
August 28 1999: X-Ray Pleiades
August 27 1999: Chandra's First Light: Cassiopeia A
August 26 1999: Cassini Flyby
August 25 1999: Reflections on NGC 6188
August 24 1999: A Network of Microlensing Caustics
August 23 1999: Sundogs over the VLA
August 22 1999: The Centre of Centaurus A
August 21 1999: Galaxies Away
August 20 1999: At The Sun's Edge
August 19 1999: Light From The Dark Sun
August 18 1999: Sun Block
August 17 1999: A Crescent Sunrise
August 16 1999: Mars Weather Watch
August 15 1999: M104: The Sombrero Galaxy
August 14 1999: A String Of Pearls
August 13 1999: Eclipse In The Shade
August 12 1999: Deploying Spartan
August 11 1999: A Meteor Over the Anza Borrego Desert
August 10 1999: A Total Eclipse for Europe
August 09 1999: A Martian Dust Storm Approaches
August 08 1999: Comet Hale-Bopp Over Val Parola Pass
August 07 1999: Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon
August 06 1999: Hubble Tracks Jupiters Great Red Spot
August 05 1999: Asteroid 9969 Braille
August 04 1999: The Surface of Titan
August 03 1999: The Vela Supernova Remnant Expands
August 02 1999: Regulus Occulted
August 01 1999: Walking in Space
July 31 1999: X-Ray Triple Jet
July 30 1999: The Sea of Tranquillity: 5 Seconds To Impact
July 29 1999: Hydrogen Blob N88A in the Small Magellanic Cloud
July 28 1999: Asia at Night
July 27 1999: Chandra X-Ray Telescope
July 26 1999: Noctilucent Clouds
July 25 1999: The Cygnus Loop
July 24 1999: Infrared Saturn
July 23 1999: A Martian Valley
July 22 1999: Cosmic Collisions in a Galaxy Cluster
July 21 1999: Galactic Supernova Remnant IC 443
July 20 1999: Moon Rocket
July 19 1999: NGC 3372: The Great Nebula in Carina
July 18 1999: Jupiter from Voyager
July 17 1999: Rockets and Robert Goddard
July 16 1999: Solar Surfin'
July 15 1999: Charles P. Conrad Jr. 1930-1999
July 14 1999: Moon, Planets, and Rocket Trails
July 13 1999: The Flame Nebula in Infrared
July 12 1999: A Delta Rocket Launches
July 11 1999: Barringer Crater on Earth
July 10 1999: Southern Neptune
July 09 1999: NGC 7789: Galactic Star Cluster
July 08 1999: Eruptive Prominence
July 07 1999: M80: A Dense Globular Cluster
July 06 1999: A Sun Pillar
July 05 1999: Four Faces of Mars
July 04 1999: A Landing On Mars
July 03 1999: NGC 2440: Cocoon of a New White Dwarf
July 02 1999: Shadow Of A Comet
July 01 1999: Apollo 17's Lunar Rover
June 30 1999: NGC 6934 from Gemini North
June 29 1999: Gemini North Telescope Inaugurated
June 28 1999: From Mars with Love
June 27 1999: COBE Dipole: Speeding Through the Universe
June 26 1999: Shells in the Egg Nebula
June 25 1999: The Gegenschein
June 24 1999: NGC 1365: A Nearby Barred Spiral Galaxy
June 23 1999: The Sudbury Neutrino Detector
June 22 1999: PKS285-02: A Young Planetary Nebula
June 21 1999: The Galactic Centre in Infrared
June 20 1999: A Very Large Array of Radio Telescopes
June 19 1999: Venus on the Horizon
June 18 1999: Tharsis Volcanos
June 17 1999: NGC 4565: Needle Galaxy
June 16 1999: Sprite Fireworks
June 15 1999: The Sun Oscillates
June 14 1999: N159 and The Papillon Nebula
June 13 1999: Zodiacal Light
June 12 1999: Venus: Just Passing By
June 11 1999: AB Aurigae: How To Make Planets
June 10 1999: Mjølnir: Impact Crater
June 09 1999: NGC 4414: A Telling Spiral
June 08 1999: Trifid Pillars and Jets
June 07 1999: Starbirth in the Trifid Nebula
June 06 1999: Kepler Discovers How Planets Move
June 05 1999: Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse
June 04 1999: NGC 3603: From Beginning To End
June 03 1999: Methane Dwarf
June 02 1999: Thermal Mars
June 01 1999: A Gallery of Gravitational Mirages
May 31 1999: Uranus Moon 18
May 30 1999: Tycho Brahe Measures the Sky
May 29 1999: The Ecliptic Plane
May 28 1999: Topographical Mars
May 27 1999: NGC 4603 and the Expanding Universe
May 26 1999: GRB 990510: Another Unusual Gamma Ray Burst
May 25 1999: NGC 6872: A Stretched Spiral
May 24 1999: Introducing Nova Velorum 1999
May 23 1999: The Keyhole Nebula
May 22 1999: M42: A Mosaic of Orion's Great Nebula
May 21 1999: Star Party Trails
May 20 1999: Cyclone on Mars
May 19 1999: The Horsehead Nebula
May 18 1999: A Laguna Triangle
May 17 1999: How to Search for Aliens
May 16 1999: Europe at Night
May 15 1999: Star Wars in NGC 664
May 14 1999: Landsat 7 Views Planet Earth
May 13 1999: Mars Volcano Apollinaris Patera
May 12 1999: Warped Spiral Galaxy ESO510 13
May 11 1999: Molecular Cloud Barnard 68
May 10 1999: Polar Ring Galaxy NGC 4650A
May 09 1999: Fractal Interstellar Dust Up Close
May 08 1999: Moon Occults Saturn
May 07 1999: Hot Stars in the Southern Milky Way
May 06 1999: Liberty Bell 7
May 05 1999: A Solar System Portrait
May 04 1999: Magnetic Mars
May 03 1999: Loop I in the Northern Sky
May 02 1999: Stars from Eagle's Eggs
May 01 1999: Lunar Dust and Duct Tape
April 30 1999: Solar Shock Wave
April 29 1999: NGC 2266: Old Cluster in the New General Catalog
April 28 1999: A Sundial for Mars
April 27 1999: Introducing Comet Lee
April 26 1999: USNO A2.0 Catalog: A Digital Sky
April 25 1999: Mimas: Small Moon with a Big Crater
April 24 1999: Barsoom
April 23 1999: Io Shadow
April 22 1999: Where is Upsilon Andromedae?
April 21 1999: The Nearest Stars
April 20 1999: Candidates for a Hypernova
April 19 1999: The Full Moon
April 18 1999: Moon Over California
April 17 1999: Gamma Ray Moon
April 16 1999: Upsilon Andromedae: An Extra-Solar System
April 15 1999: Apollo 17's Moonship
April 14 1999: The Backyard Universe
April 13 1999: The Case of the Missing Supernova
April 12 1999: Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 4945
April 11 1999: Liftoff of Space Shuttle Columbia
April 10 1999: Canaries Sky
April 09 1999: WR 104: Pinwheel Star
April 08 1999: Apollo 12: Surveyor 3 and Intrepid
April 07 1999: Denizen of the Tarantula Nebula
April 06 1999: NGC 6334: The Bear Claw Nebula
April 05 1999: The Launch of STARDUST
April 04 1999: Hot Gas and Dark Matter
April 03 1999: The Radio Sky: Tuned to 408MHz
April 02 1999: Stars of NGC 206
April 01 1999: Ski Mars!
March 31 1999: PG 1115+080: A Gravitational Cloverleaf
March 30 1999: An Anomalous SETI Signal
March 29 1999: NGC 1850: Gas Clouds and Star Clusters
March 28 1999: The Coma Cluster of Galaxies
March 27 1999: Stars Without Galaxies
March 26 1999: Impact Moon
March 25 1999: March of the Planets
March 24 1999: Brown Dwarf Gliese 229B
March 23 1999: A Chamaeleon Sky
March 22 1999: An Infrared Galaxy Gallery
March 21 1999: M2-9: Wings of a Butterfly Nebula
March 20 1999: Aurora and Orion
March 19 1999: Mapping Mars
March 18 1999: Messier Marathon
March 17 1999: Ice Fishing for Cosmic Neutrinos
March 16 1999: Sigmoids Predict Solar Eruptions
March 15 1999: Happy Face Crater on Mars
March 14 1999: The Comet and the Galaxy
March 13 1999: Phobos Over Mars
March 12 1999: Hydrogen, Helium, and the Stars of M10
March 11 1999: 5 Million Miles From Io
March 10 1999: NGC 2997 from VLT Kueyen
March 09 1999: The VLT Interferometric Array
March 08 1999: A Jupiter-Venus Conjunction
March 07 1999: Tycho's Supernova Remnant in X-ray
March 06 1999: Miranda, Chevron, and Alonso
March 05 1999: M46 And NGC 2438: Young And Old
March 04 1999: Ganymede Mosaic
March 03 1999: Infrared Mars
March 02 1999: The Kleinmann Low Nebula
March 01 1999: Reflection Nebula NGC 1435
February 28 1999: Trapezium: Teardrops in My Skies
February 27 1999: Hamlet of Oberon
February 26 1999: Dark Cloud
February 25 1999: NGC 6712: Galactic Globular Cluster
February 24 1999: A Milky Way Band
February 23 1999: Construction of International Space Station Begins
February 22 1999: NGC 1316: After Galaxies Collide
February 21 1999: In the Centre of 30 Doradus
February 20 1999: Astro-1 In Orbit
February 19 1999: On The Trail Of A Fireball
February 18 1999: Aerogel For Stardust
February 17 1999: Hickson Compact Group 40
February 16 1999: The Large and Small of M87
February 15 1999: La Nina Earth
February 14 1999: Dark Sky, Bright Sun
February 13 1999: Pluto: The Frozen Planet
February 12 1999: Lunar Close Up
February 11 1999: A Disk and Jet in Haro 6-5B
February 10 1999: GRB 990123 Host Galaxy Imaged
February 09 1999: A Supernova Starfield
February 08 1999: The Solar Wind Emerges
February 07 1999: Titan: Saturn's Smog Moon
February 06 1999: The First Explorer
February 05 1999: HR 4796A: Not Saturn
February 04 1999: Spiral Sunspot
February 03 1999: A Galactic Mushroom Cloud
February 02 1999: The Orion Nebula from Subaru
February 01 1999: The Subaru Telescope
January 31 1999: Welcome to Planet Earth
January 30 1999: Stereo Saturn
January 29 1999: The Moon In January
January 28 1999: The Galactic Centre - A Radio Mystery
January 27 1999: Hypatia of Alexandria
January 26 1999: M17: The Omega Nebula
January 25 1999: Galaxy And Gamma Ray Burst
January 24 1999: A Venus Landing
January 23 1999: Saturnian Aurora
January 22 1999: Pegasus dSph: Little Galaxy of the Local Group
January 21 1999: Spiral Galaxy NGC 253
January 20 1999: Possible Planets And Infrared Dust
January 19 1999: Telescope with Lightning
January 18 1999: Kitt Peak National Observatory
January 17 1999: NGC 1818: A Young Globular Cluster
January 16 1999: Spiral Eddies On Planet Earth
January 15 1999: Reflections Of Orion
January 14 1999: Crosby Ramsey Memorial Observatory Refractor
January 13 1999: Sagittarius Star Cloud
January 12 1999: The Wind on Mars
January 11 1999: Perihelion Sun
January 10 1999: Venus' Once Molten Surface
January 09 1999: Lunokhod: Moon Robot
January 08 1999: Invader From Earth
January 07 1999: The Ring
January 06 1999: M6: The Butterfly Cluster
January 05 1999: A New Jupiter Oval Rotates
January 04 1999: Ring Around the Cluster
January 03 1999: Orion's Horsehead Nebula
January 02 1999: Mercury: A Cratered Inferno
January 01 1999: G23: Merging Galaxies

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